
This hardy, aquatic perennial, commonly known as Frogbit, is native to Asia and Europe. Resembling a miniature Water Lily, Frogbits produce glossy green, kidney-shaped leaves, about an inch across. These grow in rosettes on the surface of the water, from long petioles. The undersides of the leaves are covered with spongy, air-holding tissue. Stolons grow from the leaf axils during the summer to produce new rosettes. Unnoticeable white flowers grow among the leaves. Frogbits aren't as aggressive growers as other aquatic plants.

Pot Cultivation

Since Frogbits are floating plants, they are just set on the surface of the water.


In the fall, the foliage dies and the stems form small buds that sink to the bottom of the pond for the winter; however, this isn't always reliable, so winter some plants indoors in an aquarium with adequate lighting.

H. morsus-ranae


H. morsus-ranae. 

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